What are Lenormand Cards

If you are just starting your cartomancy and divination journey, and hope to find a tool that can help you channel clear and direct answers, Lenormand is for you. 

Lenormand cards are practical cartomancy and have been around for over 200 years. Being one of the most used decks for divination, this is a system you can count on when you need straight-to-the-point answers to a specific question. The cards are straightforward, and provide handy advice on how to handle everyday situations. 

Their symbolism is very obvious, and Lenormand don’t leave much space for sugarcoating or mental and intuitive wandering. Let’s learn more about what Lenormand is all about, decipher the meaning of each card, and uncover how you can use Lenormand in your everyday cartomancy practice…

The History of Lenormand Cards

The history of Lenormand cards starts in the 18th century. The oldest deck we know of today lies in the British Museum in London. It was designed by Johann Kaspar Hechtel and included 36 cards. This deck was originally a parlor game, named ”The Game of Hope”. It was later renamed to Petite Lenormand and became a common divination tool we know of and still use today. 

In the late 1700s, cartomancy was blooming in Europe, and Marie Anne Adelaide Lenormand, a famous French fortune teller, was one of the most renowned cartomancers. Although she didn’t design the first Lenormand deck, her name was used for a few cartomancy decks after her passing.

Today, Lendomand isn’t only popular in Europe where it originated from, but is also widely used across the globe. Since the release of the first deck, there have been many design variations with Lenormand symbolism, and all brought diversity and different styles cartomancers enjoy today. 

Lenormand Card Decks

Cartomancers and divination lovers can find hundreds of different Lenormand decks on the marker. If you are looking for your first deck, here are some valuable options to consider:

Anino Lenormand – Being an extensive, 51-card deck, Anino Lenormand really brings complexity to readings. It includes 39 Lenormand cards, and 12 additional zodiac oracles, all of which feature folk art and graffiti-inspired illustrations. 

La Santa Muerte Lenormand – Callie French illustrations in this 36-card deck are inspired by death and occultism. They will keep you fully engaged.

Celtic Lenormand – This 45-card deck, with colorful artwork by Will Worthington, provides additional tree, animal and people cards for nuanced readings. Three different bird cards represent the triple goddess.

Mystical Lenormand – Get ready for a conquest, it’s time to set sail into the unknown, as this Lenormand deck will take you all over the world. Urban Trosch’s artworks are exquisite.

Dreaming Way Lenormand – This 36-card deck features dreamy, fable-like illustrations that spark imagination and ignite intuition. Although inspired by fantasy, the deck is insanely accurate.

Old Arabian Lenormand – If you love Arabic architecture, the desert, Islamic themes, and rich spices, this one is for you. It depicts the essence of historic Arabic world, and it’s a limited edition deck, ideal for Middle East enthusiasts. 

Lenormand Cards List and Their Meanings

Every Lenormand card has a set of keywords and meanings. When combined, they tell a story. These are the meanings for 36 Lenormand cards, listed in numerical order, as they are organized in the traditional deck:

  1. Rider – Messanger, visitor, news, feedback, incoming answers, energy, activity, zest, passion, drive, agility, vigor.
  2. Clover – Good luck, happiness, being carefree, opportunities, blessings, success, fortune, reward, fun, lightheartedness.
  3. Ship – Travel, departure, arrival, journey, adventure, farewell, opportunity, incoming change, movement, long-distance.
  4. House – Belonging, home, foundation, family, boundaries, shelter, tradition, roots, privacy, safety.
  5. Tree – Growth, fertility, health, ancestry, family, abundance, harmony, spirituality, maturity, personal development.
  6. Cloud – Confusion, uncertainty, doubt, all things hidden, suspicion, hesitation, indecisiveness, lack of clarity, haziness.
  7. Snake – Lies, deception, manipulation, craving, desire, betrayal, allure, seduction, jealousy, hypocrisy, sexuality, twists, forbidden knowledge, transformation.
  8. Coffin – Endings, loss, mourning, death, depression, burial, sadness, negative outcomes, grief, ill circumstance, bad health, recovery, letting go.
  9. Flowers (Bouquet) – Charisma, charm, beauty, sociability, joy, affection, grace, politeness, gratitude, art, creativity, gifts, pleasant interractions.
  10. Scythe – Accidents, sudden endings, urgency, violence, danger, warnings, threats, risks, clearings, liberation.
  11. Whip – Tension, confrontation, conflict, opposition, disagreements, quarrels, violence, problems, animosity, discord.
  12. Birds – Chatter, flightiness, excitement, communication, interaction, nervousness, anxiety, annoyance, debate, gossip, hyper-alertedness.
  13. Child – Children, birthing new ideas, vulnerability, a fresh start, naivety, innocence, creativity, creation, pregnancy, immaturity.
  14. Fox – Deciet, trickery, a cunning person, suspicion, being sly, selfishness, caution, dishonesty, self-interest.
  15. Bear – Physical and mental strength, power, authority, dominance, assertiveness, leadership, competition, influence, courage.
  16. Star – Hope, wish-fulfillment, dreams coming true, optimism, spirituality, blessings, inspiration, miracles, progress.
  17. Stork – Change, delivery, pregnancy, birth, new beginnings, relocation, transitional periods, movement
  18. Dog – Loyalty, friendship, companionship, trust, devotion, commitment, kindred spirit, obedience, support.
  19. Tower – Establishment, authority, time, law, ambition, building, expertise, ego, arrogance, isolation, past.
  20. Garden – Society, meetings, public affairs, being visible, teamwork, community, networking, public spaces, leisure, socializing, fame, culture
  21. Mountain – Obstacles, limitations, blockages, struggles, success, victory, strength, travel, overcoming hardships.
  22. Crossroads (or Road) – Decisions, choices, change, multiple options, hesitation, direction, journey, decision, separation.
  23. Mouse – Problems, nuances, disturbance, destruction, decay, illness, flaws, loss of strength, waste, deterioration, losing vitality, distrust.
  24. Heart – Love, romance, emotional connection, softness, affection, kindness, passion, care, tenderness, feelings, reconciliation, compassion.
  25. Ring – Commitment, marriage, honor, partnership, contract, togetherness, unity, promise, agreement.
  26. Book – Knowledge, education, secrets, memory, truth, intellect, studying, learning, research, valuable information.
  27. Letter – Message, communication, information, invitation, contracts, documents, legal matters, news, notes. 
  28. Man – Masculine energy, masculinity, male partner (or the querent when male), male figures (male siblings, relatives, colleges, lovers, friends)
  29. Woman – Feminine energy, femininity, female partner (or the querent when female), female figures (female siblings, relatives, colleagues, lovers, friends)
  30. Lillies – Passion, lust, sensuality, pleasure, virtue, maturity, morality, comfort, purity, serenity, wisdom.
  31. Sun – Power, vitality, joy, glory, radiance, light, empowerment, illumination, success, happiness, energy
  32. Moon – Psyche, higher self, intuition, subconscious, sensitivity, receptiveness, fantasy, hopes, emotions, fears, imagination.
  33. Key – Insight, clarity, eureka moments, liberation, revelations, breakthroughs, intellect, unlocking, opening. 
  34. Fish – Afluence, abundance, money, entrepreneurship skills, wealth, prosperity, trade, sales, business, valuables, financial independence.
  35. Anchor – Stability, security, groundedness, fortitude, solid foundations, resilience, diligence, durability, steadiness, restrain, being stuck.
  36. Cross – Conviction, principles, spirituality, faith, trials, destiny, suffering, guidance, pain, destiny, hardships, burdens.

Lenormand Card Spreads

Although it has far fewer cards than a traditional tarot deck per se, Lenormand is a complex system, and there are a few ways you can use it to interpret answers. The most common spreads are the 3-card spread, 3×3 card spread, and the Grand Tableau (The Big Picture spread). Let’s see how to use each.

3-Card Spread

There are two common 3-card reading methods. Reading a sentence using three cards is one of them and one of the simplest methods in Lenormand. Arrange them from left to right, as you pull them, and start reading them as a sentence. The first card is the subject, the second is the verb, and the third is the adverb.

Alternatively, you can use the pairing method, where every card will form a pair with the other two. For this method, use the middle card as the main theme of the reading. Pairing 1st + 2d and 2nd + 3rd will reveal major influences while pairing 1st and 3rd cards will help you make predictions. 

3×3 Card Spread

For this method, you will be pulling 9 cards, placing them from left to right, in 3×3 rows and columns.

  • Card number 5, or the center card is the theme or the significator.
  • Read the first column is the past or the conscious mind, and the last column is the future or the subconscious.
  • Pairing 4+5 will give you insights into recent past events, and pairing 5+6 will reveal what’s coming in the near future. 
  • Pairing 2+5 represents your highest potential. 
  • Pairing 5+8 reveals subconscious motivating forces.
  • Pairing 4+6 will reveal how will your past influence your future
  • Pairing cards 2+8 will give you insights into how your subconscious patterns block your growth.

The Grand Tableau

The Grand Tableau is the most complex spread in Lenormand, as it requires all 36 cards, and blending various reading methods. This is how to do it:

  • Ask a question and determine your significator card before you start shuffling.
  • Shuffle and pull cards. Arrange them in four rows from left to right as you pull them, so that you have 9 cards in each row. 
  • Find the significator card in your spread and first read the 8 cards surrounding it to get more clarity. You can apply the 3×3 method for this part of the reading.
  • Find the house of the significator. To do this count the position of your significator. For instance, if your significator is the Ring and it’s placed in the third position, look where Ship (number 3 in Lenormand) is placed. 
  • Use mirroring (look at cards in the vertical and horizontal axis from the significator), and knighting (look at cards that form the ”L” shape with the significator) to gain more insights into the situation. 
  • Additionally, you can analyse pairs to get more clarity.


What Questions to Ask Lenormand Cards

Being a psychic tool, Lenormand can be used to answer any question on your mind. Questions can relate to past, present, and future, and be about yourself or others. 

For instance, this can be a doubt you have about a person on your mind, your finances, friends, family, and home, a problem that plagues you, a question about health, personal development, or anything else that pops up on your mind. Here are some ideas:

  • What should I do (in a specific situation)?
  • What should I focus on?
  • What blessings are coming my way?
  • What would be the outcome if I took this route?
  • Will I move soon?
  • How can I solve this problem?
  • Why am I facing this obstacle?
  • Will this problem be solved?
  • Can I trust this person?
  • Do they love me?
  • Will I meet someone soon?
  • Will they reach out?
  • Will I get the job?
  • Will my finances improve?

How to Read Lenormand Cards

Lenormand is an intuitive divination tool. Because of that, there is no right or wrong on how to use it. However, there are some basic guidelines you should have in mind, that will help you get the most out of the Lenormand system. This is what you need to do. 

  • Step 1: Calm the mind and clear the energy. You can meditate, use energy clearing crystals, light a candle, sage or palo santo, or any other cleansing method.  
  • Step 2: Compose a clear question, set the intention, and focus on that question. When asking, it can be helpful to be as direct as possible, and focus on the why, how, when, who, and where. 
  • Step 3: Shuffle, pull, and lay out cards as it feels right to you, or choose a layout system that suits you. Pull as many cards as you need. Some readings will demand more cards, and you can even lay out all cards from the deck to decipher the message by reading them in order.
  • Step 4: Interpret the meaning of every card pulled, and then focus on putting the puzzle pieces together. You can do so by combining keywords and meanings listed above. 
  • Step 5: Formulate a straightforward answer based on the intuitive insights you get connecting keywords. This should give you a very precise message. 

Lenormand Cards vs. Tarot

Although both tarot and Lenormand are powerful cartomancy tools and are used for divination, they are not the same. In both cases, you need to use intuition and logic to connect the dots and deliver a message based on imagery and symbolism. However, they are interpreted differently. 

The symbolism on Lenormand cards is simple and precise, and the imagery is easy to understand. So, to get a clear, direct answer, you need to read Lenormand in pairs or groups. Every Lenormand card is like a word in a sentence. The more you pull, the longer the sentences will be. On the flip side, one tarot card can have a lot of different interpretations, depending on the question, querent’s energy, tarot symbolism, and psychic inputs.

Tarot is much more visual. It’s illustrations, usually have more hidden symbols and require taking an intuitive deep dive. Lenormand cards are more concise, tell it like it is, and are meant to give practical solutions, guidance, or answers. Tarot can give similar answers, but leaves more space for alternative and spiritual interpretations. 

Tarot has four suits that represent four elements, and a set of 22 major arcanas. On top of that, they can be read reversed. None of this applies to Lenornmand. Traditional tarot has 78 cards, while Lenormand has only 36.

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